13 research outputs found


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    Drug trafficking is a holistic process. The involvement of various parties linked with law enforcement efforts. The number of drug trade reaches millilons of tons. This number equivalent to billions of fund that circulating in trading transactions. The one alternative ways to eradicate drug trafficking is to track the cash flow. Because of the financial transactions as the main chain to running this business. Tracking the flow of drug trafficking funds through money laundering approach can be done by indetifying various placement, layering, and integration activities of suspicious financial transactions. The placement pattern becomes the entrance of financial transactions through the participation of the providers of financial services. The layering pattern can consist od smurfing, money changer, and buying a stock portofolio. Meanwhile, the integration pattern enters various business activities with minimal risk. The prediction of money laundering tren based on drug trafficking leads three aspects, that is utilization of technologies, the role of third parties, and the involvement of unscrupulous government and law enforcement

    Strategi Pencegahan Kejahatan dengan Kebencian (Hate Crime) melalui Media Mural di Kelurahan Kedoya Utara, Jakarta Barat

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    Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan topik strategi pencegahan kejahatan dengankebencian (hate crime) melalui media mural dilaksanakan di wilayah RT 02/RW 06, Kelurahan KedoyaUtara, Jakarta Barat. Kejahatan dengan kebencian merupakan perbuatan yang seringkali dianggap bukansebagai kejahatan. Mengacu pada Undang-Undang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik maka ujarankebencian berpotensi menjadi kejahatan dengan kebencian. Kondisi ini ditambah dengan penafsiranterhadap Surat Edaran Kapolri Nomor: SE/6/X/2015 tentang Penanganan Ujaran Kebencian (hate speech).Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman terhadap berbagai bentuk kejahatan dengankebencian, baik yang disampaikan secara langsung (offline) maupun melalui media elektronik (online).Implementasi strategi pencegahan kejahatan tersebut dilakukan dalam bentuk sosialisast materi dan aplikasimedia mural dengan tema pencegahan kejahatan dengan kebencian. Hal ini dilakukan untuk menyasarmasyarakat umum, khususnya generasi milenial dan golongan usia produktif

    The Countermeasures of Cyber Bullying Based on Routine Activity Theory

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    The cases of cyber bullying still increasing from year to year. It’s not only due to the rapid development of technology and information but also the assumption that cyber bullying isn’t apart of crime, delinquent or deviant. The presence of the Electronic Information and Transaction Act (UU ITE) perhaps can accommodate the legal restrictions of cyber bullying. However, it’s not enough to reduce the variety of cyber bullying. The background of this research to formulate the overcome of cyber bullying based on routine activity theory. The focused is to identify motivated offender, suitable target, and capable guardian. This study try to identification the contribution of offender,victims, and bystander. This research using qualitative methods with data collection techniques, such as in-depth interviews, focus group discussions,and participant observation. Data sources was gained from Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI), National Commission for Child Protection (KomnasPA), National Police (Polri), Forum of National Children, Harapan Ibu High School, and Citra Alam High School. This research classifies the school role to develop “positive climate schools” and the role of offender, victims,and bystander to fight cyber bullying. The result of this research show that the stakeholders must contribute to prevent cyber bullying, especially the legislative power and law enforcement officer


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    Illegal logging is a part of crime against environment, which has a massive impact on the economy, social, cultural, and ecological. Ironically, majority of the illegal logging’s perpetrators are dominated by “the field criminal”. On the other side, intellectual actors who can control the activities never touch by the law. The money laundering concept can give a new approach to detect the leader actor. The author use follow the money viewpoint, which includes placement, layering, and integration. Qualitative data collection methods is used with in-depth interviews, systematic observation of the behavior, and document analysis. The result is a new paradigm in investigating illegal logging no longer focused on the field actors, but potentially tracking the intellectual actors behind illegal logging


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    This research discuss about the distribution and development in money laundering models of drugs trafficking and illegal logging. The distribution in money laundering model of drugs trafficking and illegal logging is divided into three phase, there are placement, layering and integration. The phase includes placing activity of illegal money into finance system, layering them through various finance transaction and integrating the money into legitimate bussines. The trend of that model is based on: first, the techniques of money laundering become more sophisticated because progressive separation between criminal activities and money laundering activities; second, the professional involvement become luster involve more professional launderers such as accountants, lawyers, private bankers; and third, the provision of money laundering services to a wide range of criminals and to more than one criminal organization

    Islamic Revivalism in Indonesia: The Caliphate, Sharia, NKRI, Democracy, and the Nation-State

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    This research examines Indonesian Islamic revivalist movements’ perspectives on the concepts of the nation-state and democracy. The Islamic revivalist movements studied in this research include Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI), Front Pembela Islam (FPI), Majelis Mujahidin Indonesia (MMI), and Forum Umat Islam (FUI). Following the fall of the authoritarian Suharto’s regime in 1998, Indonesia witnessed an escalation of Islamic activism whose goals revolve around the implementation of Sharia (Islamic law) and, to a certain extent, the reestablishment of a caliphate (transnational Islamic state). To this end, revivalist movements have been staging frequent mass protests, mainly addressing Indonesian government policies that are deemed un-Islamic. Some of the protests have ended violently, which implies that their Sharia and Islamic state goals have become a source of conflict in Indonesian society. This research suggests that this violent activism stems from different versions of the concept of the nation-state and democracy, which disagree with broadly accepted definitions. This research was conducted against this backdrop to analyze each movements’ perspectives on the concept of nation-state and democracy and argues that, despite each movement advocating the implementation of Sharia, their understandings of the concepts of the nation-state and democracy differ